A Fast, Responsive, Optimized
Boilerplate For Websites

Vanilla HTML is easy to learn

Nothing To Learn

Elegantly simple and intuitive. Start coding straight away
Vanilla HTML has great SEO

Get More Traffic

Exceeds Google core web vitals and page speed requirements
Vanilla HTML is performance optimized

Convert Visitors

High converting template built by leading CRO expert
Vanilla HTML has tidy modules

Tidy Modules

Organise pages and components with single file modules

Tools & Features

🦅 All frameworks say they are lightweight, our core is less than 10kb!

🔍 Optimized for SEO, page speed and performance marketing

🔃 Development Environment with browser refresh on code change npm run dev

🐛 ESLint finds more bugs in development and less in production npm run lint

🔨 Optional Webpack build tool to transpile for Internet Explorer npm run build

🎁 Simple CSS class library including flexbox support class="flex-row"

📱 Mobile first responsive design with CSS media queries class="desktop-hidden"

📕 Javascript utility library full of usefull snippets utils.launchModal('hey');

🚀 Import ES6 modules and modern JS throughout import { test } from './test.js';

📈 Tracking and analytics management (with delayed load) components/pixels.html

🧬 Automatic page routing ?page=test will load pages/test.html

Start Your Next Project in 60 Seconds

1 Download the zip and extract the files

2 Start by editing the following:

  • components/header.html
  • pages/home.html

3 Add new pages to the pages/ directory

4 Save reusable web components in components/

5 Publish to the web

Docs are available if needed https://vanillahtml.com

Ready to start building?

VanillaHTML Free, open-source, no attribution required