A Fast, Responsive, Optimized
Boilerplate For Websites
Nothing To Learn
Get More Traffic
Convert Visitors
Tidy Modules
Tools & Features
🦅 All frameworks say they are lightweight, our core is less than 10kb!
🔍 Optimized for SEO, page speed and performance marketing
🔃 Development Environment with browser refresh on code change npm run dev
🐛 ESLint finds more bugs in development and less in production npm run lint
🔨 Optional Webpack build tool to transpile for Internet Explorer npm run build
🎁 Simple CSS class library including flexbox support class="flex-row"
📱 Mobile first responsive design with CSS media queries class="desktop-hidden"
📕 Javascript utility library full of usefull snippets utils.launchModal('hey');
🚀 Import ES6 modules and modern JS throughout import { test } from './test.js';
📈 Tracking and analytics management (with delayed load) components/pixels.html
🧬 Automatic page routing ?page=test will load pages/test.html
Start Your Next Project in 60 Seconds
1 Download the zip and extract the files
2 Start by editing the following:
- components/header.html
- pages/home.html
3 Add new pages to the pages/ directory
4 Save reusable web components in components/
5 Publish to the web
Docs are available if needed https://vanillahtml.com
Ready to start building?
Free, open-source, no attribution required